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Rachel is 0.58333 years old!

Seven months! It's been seven months so far! My kid is still a bite size gal, she can still wear some 0-3 month clothing, some 3-6month clothing and a little 6-9 month clothing. Baby clothing is just like womens clothing -- nothing is comparable in size. Just how women are a size 6 in this brand and a size 10 in another, baby clothes are no different!

I am LOVING making baby food. I make all sorts of stuff and Rachel loves to eat it -- cauliflower, peas, beans (from my garden!), apples, peaches, blueberries (that we picked together), squash and zucchini (from Aunt JuJu's garden), sweet potatoes, bananas, you name it and I puree it and she eats it! We're going to introduce meat very soon, I just haven't had time to cook and grind it up because I've been so busy working on fruits and veggies.

She is talking now -- babbling, instead of screaming! That's fun and reassuring since I'm always concerned about her hearing and ear situation. She has a hearing test in August and I am anxious and nervous about the results. She says dada and baba and bub bub bub.